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Scarborough Local Food Group - link to home page


1. Name: Scarborough Local Food Group
2. Area: Scarborough town and surrounding areas

3. Purpose/Aims:

To produce a regular guide to local food on a non-profit basis.
To promote the benefits of local food in all its aspects to individuals and groups in the local community.
To play a part in the regeneration of the local economy.
To make it easier for everyone to obtain, enjoy and thrive on local food.

4. Powers: The Group can carry out any lawful activity to ensure that the aims are fulfilled. This includes fundraising, seeking grants and giving grants. This list is not exhaustive. All activities of the Group will be carried out in an environmentally sensitive and socially conscious manner.

5. Members: Membership is open to any person who supports the aims of the Group.

6. Committee: A small committee of three people, elected by the members, will be responsible for the day-to-day running of the Group and calling general meetings.

7. General Meetings: At least two general meetings will be called each year. One of these meetings will be the Annual General Meeting at which members will receive financial and progress reports and elect the small committee.

8. Finances:
Accurate records will be kept and reported to the membership and any appropriate funder.
An account will be opened at the Yorkshire Building Society in the name of the organisation. There will be three signatories to the account of which at least two must sign any appropriate document.

9. Dissolution: The organisation will be dissolved if a majority of the membership, present and at a general meeting called to discuss the dissolution of the organisation, votes in favour of dissolution. The Chair of the meeting will have the responsibility of ensuring that all the organisation's liabilities are met. Any remaining sum of money will be dispersed to local organisations with compatible aims. The local CVS will be involved in the discussions around dispersement.

This constitution was adopted at a General Meeting held on 5th November 2002

Chair: Madeleine Parkyn

Secretary: Judy Deans

Treasurer: Chris Scholten

Membership is free and open to any person who supports the aims of the Group. Send an email to localfood@topfield.org.uk or phone 01723 375 533.

Buy local – eat naturally ripened food

Tomatoes are often picked green and hard so that they can survive mechanical harvesting and long-distance transport, and then ripened in rooms pumped full of ethylene gas, which artificially initiates ripening. As we all know, these tomatoes are much less tasty and nutritious than ripe, locally grown tomatoes. More >>>