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Scarborough Local Food Group - link to home page



Thank you to all those who helped us raise the money to produce the Scarborough Local Food Guides. In particular Kerry Lee, Community Regeneration Officer at Scarborough Borough Council; Julia Hutchinson and Sue Kelly at the Economic Development Unit, North Yorkshire County Council, Liz White, Health Promotion Manager and Marion Commane, Health Promotion Specialist at Scarborough, Whitby and Ryedale Primary Care Trust; Daniel O'Connor, LA21 Officer at Scarborough Borough Council; Lyn Mansfield and Keir Brown at North York Moors National Park.

Supported by Yorkshire Forward

Yorkshire Forward through the North Yorkshire -
Developing Opportunities for a Rural County -
Single Regeneration Budget (Round 6) Programme.

Supported by North Yorkshire County Council

European Regional Development Fund logo

The European Regional Development Fund, through the Castle Delegated Grant Scheme.


Madeleine Parkyn - researcher and editor

Judy Deans, Martin Haggerty, Jill Owen and Chris Scholten - researchers and readers

Farrell Burnett - copy editor and proof reader

Mark Heslington - typesetter

Adverset, Scarborough - printer


Designed and created by Madeleine Parkyn at envoy.

Also thanks to

Dilys Cluer of the Scarborough Green Guide and Debbie Eade of the Scarborough Hospitality Association for help with promoting our Guide. Glenn Morris of Hip'n'Chic in Scarborough: www.hippychic.biz for support and information. Colin Barnes at Scarborough Council for Voluntary Service for advice and help with drafting our constitution.


Buy local – eat tastier food

Fruit and vegetable varieties are being bred with characteristics which maximise the profits of big companies, at the expense of nutrition and taste. Transnational food companies and supermarkets value hardiness under monocultural growing conditions, the ability to travel long distances and a long shelf-life more highly than nutritional content and taste. More >>>