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Scarborough Local Food Group - link to home page


An alphabetical listing of resources about local food.

Ban Terminator

Terminator technology refers to plants that have been genetically modified to render sterile seeds at harvest, in order to stop farmers from saving and exchanging seed. Terminator is a direct assault on the traditional knowledge, practices and the cultural life-ways of Indigenous peoples and rural communities across the world. Peasants, small-scale farmers, rural women, rural communities and Indigenous peoples across the world are protesting against Terminator technology.

Please join the international campaign to BAN TERMINATOR. Governments and corporations are pushing hard to commercialise this technology. Currently there is an international de facto moratorium on Terminator at the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity. But the moratorium is now in jeopardy.

Breaking the Armlock

Breaking the Armlock is an alliance of 14 farming, environmental and consumer organisations calling for stricter controls over the major supermarkets' trading practices, particularly to stop them passing on unreasonable costs and demands to farmers and growers in the UK and overseas.

CAMRA: Scarborough Group

The Campaign for Real Ale actively supports the variety and distinctiveness of traditional and regional beers and campaigns for them to be available in local pubs.The Scarborough CAMRA group website has a Scarborough Pub Crawl map and news about local pubs and beer festivals.
Tel: Antony Willis, 01723 862 585

Common Ground

Champions local distinctiveness, focusing on art and local tradition. In 1990, it initiated Apple Day (21st October), an annual celebration of apples and orchards. It also supports the development of Community Orchards as a way of saving vulnerable old orchards and an opportunity to plant new ones.
Tel: 01747 850 8204


The Campaign to Protect Rural England, which exists to promote the beauty, tranquillity and diversity of rural England by encouraging the sustainable use of land. It is running a Local Action for Local Food campaign.
Tel: 020 7981 2800

Deliciously Yorkshire

Website of the Regional Food Group for Yorkshire & the Humber, a food and drink association for producers and processors, formed to promote the range and quality of Yorkshire produce within the region.

Deliciously Yorkshire Breakfast

The Deliciouslyorkshire Breakfast Local Sourcing Directory is produced by the Regional Food Group for Yorkshire & the Humber to help you find local breakfast ingredients. It is available for free as a pdf file.


Based in the Yorkshire Dales, Feast is a food and drink network that works with all levels of the supply chain, from farmers and growers to chefs and retailers through to consumers, to ensure that fresh local produce is readily available to a wide market, be that in dishes served in your local pub, café or restaurant, from local stores or direct from the farm.

Friends of the Earth

FoE's Real Food Campaign says: "Food and farming in the UK faces a stark choice. Do we continue to put profit first? Or adopt practices that safeguard the future of what we eat - and those who provide it?"
Tel: 020 7490 1555

The Guardian Food Features

Part 1: The way we eat now
In just a generation, our food has been transformed. So today who eats what, how's it made, and what's it doing to us?

Part 2: Why we eat this way
We expose the powerful global forces that now control our food and those who produce it for us.

Part 3: Your guide to the best
Meet the butchers, the bakers, the local cheese makers, the co-ops, the farmers, and many more who put the pleasure back into eating.

Garden Organic (HDRA)

Garden Organic is the new working name of the Henry Doubleday Research Association. It is Europe's largest organic membership organisation, dedicated to researching and promoting organic gardening, farming and food. Its Heritage Seed Library saves hundreds of old and unusual vegetable varieties for posterity, also distributing them to its members.
Tel: 02476 303 517

Local Works Campaign – Local Communities Sustainability Bill

Our villages, towns and cities are in danger of becoming ghost towns. Local services, such as shops, banks, post offices and pubs are being lost at an alarming rate. The Local Works Campaign works against this trend by supporting a Local Communities Sustainability Bill which aims to enable local communities to determine their own agendas for environmental, political, social and economic sustainability.

Marine Conservation Society

A national charity dedicated to the protection of the marine environment and its wildlife. It has published the Good Fish Guide to help us choose the most eco-friendly fish. Lists of the "top 20 species to avoid" and "25 species to eat with a clearer conscience" are available from its website. www.mcsuk.org

North Yorkshire Local Food online directory

An online directory of farmers, growers and food producers in North Yorkshire. You can browse by food category, region or services, e.g. farm gate, local deliveries etc. Also includes a directory of recipes, linked both to produce in season and to producers who rear or grow the main ingredient in North Yorkshire.

National Association of Farmers' Markets

This is a non-profit making limited company to promote farmers' markets. It assists in the formation of new ones as well as safeguarding the farmers' market concept.
Tel: 0845 45 88 420

Neighbouring local food guides

For a list of local food guides which border on the Scarborough Local Food Guide area, see the local food guide page.


The North Yorkshire Moors Association works to protect and enhance the characteristic beauty of the North Yorkshire Moors for present and future generations.

Northern Fruit Group

A mutual support group, exchanging news, information and advice, for amateur fruit-growers in the north of England. It holds regular meetings and workshops and is based at the Royal Horticultural Society Garden at Harlow Carr, Harrogate.
Tel: Hilary Dodson 01943 464 325
Email: Simon Clark: scclark@santiago.u-net.com


Like its anagram, PLACE stands for people, landscape and cultural environment. Based at York St John College, this organisation promotes, coordinates and publishes research particularly concerning North Yorkshire.
Tel: 01904 716 753

Primary Care Trust

The Scarborough, Whitby and Ryedale Primary Care Trust (PCT) takes the lead in the local health economy, shaping, planning and commissioning a range of health services. The PCT's responsibilities include improving the health of the local community and reducing health inequalities.
Tel: 01653 602 900

Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution (RABI)

RABI was founded in 1860 by Alderman John Joseph Mechi as a farming charity to relieve the poverty and hardship suffered by farming families as they were forced out of farming through misfortune, age or sickness. The website gives information about their work, and each month features a region, a what's in season listing and recipes.


Scarborough Against Genetic Engineering campaigns locally against the use of genetic engineering in food and farming.
Tel: 01723 375 533 or 01723 355 061
Email: sage@envoy.dircon.co.uk

Slow Food — North Yorkshire Convivium

Slow Food is an international not-for-profit Association. It is a network of enthusiasts for local foods and the cultures which produce them.
Email: lhearn@inntravel.co.uk and lauramason@tinyworld.co.uk

Soil Association

The UK's leading campaigning and certification body for organic food and farming. Researches, develops and promotes sustainable relationships between the soil, plants, animals and the biosphere, in order to produce healthy food and other products whilst protecting and enhancing the environment.
Tel: 0117 929 0661


The alliance for better food and farming advocates food and agriculture policies and practices which enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, enrich society and culture and promote equity. It represents over 100 national public-interest organisations working at international, national, regional and local levels.
Tel: 020 7837 1228

Tescopoly — every little hurts

Tesco now controls 30% of the grocery market in the UK. Growing evidence indicates that Tesco's success is partly based on trading practices that are having serious consequences for suppliers, farmers, overseas workers, local shops and the environment.Tescopoly is a campaign to stop supermarkets abusing their power.

WI Country Markets Ltd

Women's Institute Markets are a valuable outlet for local creative talent, selling preserves, baked products, honey, dairy produce, eggs, poultry, game, fish, fruit, vegetables, plants, craft work and clothing. All producers are members of the local WI Market Co-operative and all produce must meet high standards in addition to the same statutory legal requirements as other retail outlets.
Tel: 01246 261508

What’s Wrong with Supermarkets

A 40-page A5 booklet by Lucy Michaels, published by Corporate Watch, 2004.

Yorkshire Orchards

A new orchard, growing specialist apple varieties for customers who want to taste some of the vast range of apples which are unavailable in the supermarkets. It is growing more than 100 different apple varieties, including local Yorkshire and northern apple varieties. Please phone 01759 380375 before visiting.

Yorkshire Organic Centre

A directory of organic farmers and food processors in the Yorkshire and Humber region.
Tel: 01756 796 222


Buy local – reduce CO2 emissions

The transport of food is responsible for more lorries on our roads than any other single commodity. The amount of food being transported increased by 20% between 1978 and 1998. Road transport is one of the fastest-growing sources of CO2 and accounts for around 20% of total emissions. Buy local and reduce CO2 emmissions.

Each year 105,000 tonnes of English butter are exported from the UK whilst 230,000 tonnes of butter are imported. Buy local and reduce this madness.

In 1997, 126 million litres of liquid milk was imported into the UK at the same time as 270 million litres was exported out of the UK. More >>>