Where to source locally, buy locally and eat locally in Scarborough and the surrounding area.
Choose from the following categories:
- General grocery stores
- Fruit and vegetables
- Dairy and eggs
- Meat
- Fish
- Bakeries
- Honey and preserves
- Confectionery
- Drinks
- Eating out
- Markets
Or select a postcode area from the map below:
Postcode map compiled from www.openstreetmap.org and google maps
Add to the directory
If you know of a local business which you think should be added to the Scarborough Local Food Directory, please email details to localfood@topfield.org.uk.
The information about retailers and producers in this directory has been supplied mainly by themselves. Although every care has been taken to ensure that entries are accurate, Scarborough Local Food Group can take no responsibility for errors or omissions. As much of the food is seasonal, you are advised to check with producers before making a journey. You are also advised to ask businesses directly for any information you want about which produce is local and the methods of production that have been used.