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Scarborough Local Food Group - link to home page

Newsletter September 2008:

York Festival of Food and Drink

19th-28th September 2008
The theme for the festival this year is Better Food, Less Waste. Over the years, the focus of the festival has subltly shifted and it now aims to transform food culture in York and North Yorkshire by promoting local food production. On Friday 26th September, there is the regular city centre York Farmers' market. Throughout the 10 days regional producers will be represented in the "Deliciouslyorkshire" market area on St Sampson’s Square and elsewhere throughout Parliament Street.

Each day there will be Slow Food tasting sessions, including apples, mutton, tomatoes, chocolate and wine. View the tasting workshops: http://www.yorkfoodfestival.co.uk/Programme_Tastings.htm
View the full programme http://www.yorkfoodfestival.co.uk

Mists and Mellow Fruitfulness: Fruit, food and wildlife in Yorkshire's countryside

4th October 2008, Ampleforth Village Hall
The conference will include morning paper sessions in Ampleforth Village Hall, followed by an afternoon visit to the orchard at Ampleforth College and a local vineyard.
Presentations during the morning will include:
• Old Orchards - New Opportunities - Barry Potter (independent orchard specialist)
• Orchards Today and Tomorrow - Simon Clark (Northern Fruit Group)
• Orchards for Wildlife - Phil Lyth (FWAG)
• Moths in Old Orchards - Dave Chesmore (YNU and Royal Entomological Society)
• Slow Food and the Orchard Heritage - Laura Mason (Slow Food)

After a local food lunch, there will be a walk along a green lane to the orchard at Ampleforth College, led by Fr Reiner. Here we shall hear about the history and current management of the Ampleforth orchards, consider varieties of fruit and their uses, and have a demonstration of the juice-making enterprise. This will be followed by a visit to the Oswaldkirk Vineyard, led by Simon Kershaw.

The cost of the conference is £25.00 per head, including a lunch of local produce. Numbers are limited. To reserve a place and request a booking form, please contact Margaret Atherden on 01904 766291 or email place@yorksj.ac.uk

New butcher

A new independent butcher's shop has opened in Scarborough's town centre. Hill's of the North is located at 50 North Street.
Telephone: 366 942

Beverley Food Festival

Sunday 5th October 2008
Market Place, Beverley, 9.00am ­ 4.30pm
There will be a variety of stalls selling local produce, a cookery theatre marquee, street entertainment, a charity BBQ, competitions and much more.
For full details visit: http://www.beverley.gov.uk/Contents/Text/Index.asp?SiteId=476&SiteExtra=19749316&TopNavId=425&NavSideId=7984

Local Food Paid Job

Mapping Local Food Webs Regional Co-ordinators
CPRE is recruiting 6 Regional Coordinators to map local food webs (local food networks).

The job will involve engaging, motivating and supporting teams of community volunteers in researching and reporting on their local food webs. The post-holders will work closely with key volunteers in four locations across their regions to support and facilitate public meetings and workshops to collect information on attitudes to local food, the local food supply chain, and the social, economic and environmental benefits of local food.

This new post is a fixed term, part-time contract for 3.5 days a week for 9 months.
Salary: £21,348 pro rata
Closing date:Noon on Monday 22nd September 2008

If you would like me to forward the full job pack, please contact me, or alternatively visit www.cpre.org.uk to download the application pack or contact Thea Platt, Mapping Local Food Webs Project Officer, Campaign To Protect Rural England, 01424 715306

School dinners

Sixty per cent of the meat and poultry used in North Yorkshire's school meals is sourced from within North Yorkshire and 100 per cent from the North of England. This excellent achievement is being used by the School Food Trust as an example to other parts of the country. "Using local food not only keeps jobs in the community, but raises children's awareness of what they eat, where it comes from and the bearing this has on the world around them", said school meals manager Keith Tilbrook.

Recently, there was an interesting edition of The Food Programme on Radio 4 which examined the role of public procurement. You can listen again here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/factual/foodprogramme_20080810.shtml

Food Matters: Towards a Strategy for the 21st Century argues that the Government must lead by example in the way it spends the £2 billion for food in our schools, hospitals, prisons, by buying food that supports local businesses and farmers, is more environmentally sustainable (including organic), and is then made into fresh, healthy meals.

Changing food habits

60:40 is the ratio of vegetable/flower seeds now sold. It used to be 60:40 favouring flowers.

The Real Seed Catalogue offers an excellent range of open-pollinated seeds, selected and bred for the needs of home growers rather than those of industrial farming. That means flavour and a long cropping season rather than the ability to travel long distances or to endure a long shelf-life. http://www.realseeds.co.uk/

Seasonal Recipe: Runner Bean and Anchovy Salad

I love runner beans, but now is the season of the runner bean glut! This recipe for a piquant crunchy salad introduces a bit of variety.
1 Ib runner beans, sliced diagonally
3 tablespoons olive oil
1 medium onion, thinly sliced
1 large clove garlic, chopped
1/2 to 1 tin anchovy fillets, chopped
1 tablespoon chopped thyme
2 tablespoons wine or cider vinegar

Cook the onion and garlic in the oil until soft. Stir in the sliced beans, anchovies, thyme and vinegar. Cover the pan and cook on a low heat for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Allow to cool. Serve at room temperature or slightly chilled.

Happy eating


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Buy local – save local jobs

Every time a large supermarket opens, there is a net average loss of 276 retailing jobs within a 10-mile radius.

Buy local – save our community money

A typical out-of-town superstore causes £25,000 worth of congestion, pollution and associated damage to the local community every week. More >>>